All about Military diet

All about Military diet

When I was looking for weight loss and surfing the internet searching a healthy diet, I found the military diet regimen. I made a deep research then asked famous nutrition experts about the evidence of this regimen and I'm surprised with the results of this 3 days diet! 3 days, yes can you imagine?

First, what's The military diet mean?

Military diet is a low-calorie food regimen, for rapid weight loss. You can lose up to 10 pounds a week following this regimen by restricting your food for 3 days and back your normal daily nutrition for 4 days every week.

Why saying that Military diet is low-calorie regimen?

Your calories intakes during the "3 days Military diet" will be between 800 – 1400 calories daily, which means that it is not sufficient for an adult daily need of calories!

The evidence of military diet:

There is no relationship between military nutrition and military forces, we think that this name come from military because of the food restrictions at the 3 days, which looks like in military, that means system, discipline and everything that is in healthy amounts, every food is calculated in grams and ounces, nothing is too much.

Many nutrition experts and nutrition papers talk about the effectiveness of military diet, we found that it is not a new diet, it exists long years ago but in different names like restrictive 3 day diet.

In her book, Tell Me What I Eat if I have Diabetes, Elaine Magee confirmed the Military diet saying that with this low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet, the person loses most water and fats. The weight of the water decreases rapidly as the body's glycogen stores decrease, which is why when you restrict carbohydrates and calories, Start eating normally again. "

The military diet is supported by many reputable nutrition organizations such as the American heart association and the mayo clinic.

Eat hot dogs and lose weight!

It's a brilliant way to loose weight, while you enjoy your life and eating food like hot dog and ice cream!

Military diet depends on the consumption of a small amount of calories, and getting food that is chemically consistent, it depends on restricting the amount of food in 3 days and having free 4 days a week.

Actually the other 4 days are not free as you imagine, you just will back to your normal diet. There are no snacks between meals during the 3 days military diet.

We bring you the secret of the "3 days military diet" so prepare yourself - as easy as pie.


The first day in Military diet (1400 calories)


  • Cup of coffee or tea

  • A slice of toast

  • 2 table spoons of peanut butter

  • Grapefruit


  • Slice of toast

  • Half cup of tuna

  • Cup of black coffee


  • 86 gram of any meat type

  • 1 cup of green beans

  • Half of a banana

  • 1 small apple

  • Vanilla ice cream ( not too much)

The second day


  • 1 slice of toast

  • I egg

  • Half of a banana


  • 1 cup of cottage cheese

  • 1 boiled egg

  • 5 saltine crackers


  • 1 cup of broccoli

  • Half cup of carrots

  • Half of a banana

  • 100 gram ( half cup) of vanilla ice cream

The third day


  • 1 slice of cheddar cheese

  • 1 small apple

  • 5 saltine crackers


  • 1 boiled egg

  • 1 slice of toast


  • 1 cup of tuna

  • Half of a banana

  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Note that:

One cup is equal to 228 gram. 1 table spoon is equal to 3 tea spoons, which is equal to 14 grams.

Weight loss is a slow process; you cannot force your body to slim. It takes time to get the perfect body shape and mass.

So you have to start immediately, with no late, and be patient, it is just 3 days a week and you enjoy 4 days, you're the big winner of yourself and loser of weight.

The food ingredients in the military diet are so important, since eggs is a main source of protein, has a lot of vitamins like vitamin A,D and B and give feel of full quickly.

bread is full of carbs, but be sure that the label on the bread say that this bread is "whole grains" because it is the healthier bread. If the bread is with more roughage, it is better since roughage is full of fibers which are important for healthy digestion.

Military diet depends mainly on discipline, teach yourself to make habits of this military food, control your appetite for 3 days

Do exercises

Doing exercises is not mentioned in the military diet regimen, but in general exercises is so important for your health and in weight loss.

Walking is simple exercising, you can do it anywhere, anytime, and you can wake up 20 minutes before your traditional wake up to walk. Many studies show that walking with empty stomach is very useful for fat loss.

Especially on the 3 days of military diet, walking will be more effective, since you restrict your food, so the body will direct to burn more calories of fat.

Drink a lot of water, staying hydrated is very important in military diet or any weight loss regimen.

Water is like taking a shower but to your stomach and body cells which improve the digestion and keep your digestive system healthy.

The best time for drinking water is before or after meals with half an hour. When you feel hungry and think about snacks, drink two cups of water to forget such a horrible idea of snacks.

Attention! Don't eat over food at the other 4 days; eat your normal food to see better results in shorter time.

Remember that there are many diet types for weight loss, choose the best which suits you, the best that you can follow and make it life discipline, the best that contains food you mostly like, the one you enjoy.

Enjoying your weight loss' diet gives you better results, motivates you to continue and improve your mood.

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