
Showing posts from February, 2019

Upper Body Specialization Routine If you’re someone who’s looking to build up a powerful upper body, one thing that you must be doing is focusing on the main compound lifts that target the back and the chest muscles. It’s these muscles that are going to give you the most significant growth to take note of and what will help you gain that increase in side and width that you’re after. The compound exercises that target these two primary muscle groups are also going to work all the muscles in the arms as well, reducing the need to include a number of isolation exercises as well. This comes in very helpful for those who want to complete fast gym sessions that are short on time but high on results. You’ll also get a much more anabolic response in the body by performing these moves since they’ll work more muscle fibers, therefore bringing about a greater release of the muscle building hormone, testosterone. For the following upper body specialization workout, you will notice some compound exercises t

Getting Your Nutrition In Line As you go about completing your chosen workout program, one thing that you must be keeping in mind at all times is what you’re doing from a nutritional point of view.  If you aren’t eating properly while going about your workouts, not only will you not be recovering as well as you should be from each workout session, but won’t see the body fat loss or muscle building results that you’re aiming for either. Good nutrition really does account for up to 80% of the results you see, so without it, you’re going to be chasing a losing battle. Let’s take some time right now to provide you with a few of the important nutritional points that you’ll want to keep in mind. Get Your Calorie Intake Set Correctly First things first, when focusing on nutrition the initial element to get in place is the right calorie intake. If you’re not consuming the proper calorie level to support your goals, it’s not going to matter what you do in the gym, you won’t see results. Most people

FĂ­ona loses weight for her wedding! For many women their wedding day is the best day of their lives. Naturally they hope everything will be perfect from the flower arrangements to the food but perhaps most importantly they want to look and feel exquisite. FĂ­ona’s big day is in July and she decided just 6 months ago that if she was going to fit into the wedding dress of her dreams she would need to lose some pounds. Another motivating factor to lose weight was the excess baby weight she carried. “I went shopping for wedding dresses. Once I ordered my dress, it felt like the right time to lose weight. I also had just stopped breastfeeding so was able to follow a calorie controlled diet. There were a few indicators that it was the right time to start shaping up for my wedding.” In a few short months FĂ­ona has achieved a 3 stone 11 lbs loss and lost a startling 6 inches from her tummy, not only that but she has managed to reduce her BMI from an obese 31 to a very healthy one of 24! “I am extremely

Alex drops 5 stone with a New Year diet! Almost every person has followed the obligatory New Year diet at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, the hard facts indicate that most people fail miserably and soon return to eating habits that spell disaster for the waistline. Alex weighed herself after the festive season and was appalled to discover she was tipping the scales at 16 stone. Shocked into action, she decided to register with our  online Gi Diet plan . “I was disgusted at how much weight I had put on. My health was the over-riding decision to lose weight, and as I gradually lost more and more, I found the motivation to continue dieting increasing.” At first she admits she had the support of her sister and co-workers as they were also trying to shift some of the weight gained over Christmas. However unlike Alex, they could not muster up the determination to stick with their diets. “In the past I have tried diets but I never got the results that I had with this online plan.” The motivating

WINTER WEIGHT GAIN Last year before the commencement of winter, Susan weighed 120 pounds. When Susan weighed herself again at the start of the spring season, she weighed 127 pounds. She had gained seven pounds during the winter season. Winter weight gain is a familiar problem faced by most of us. It is estimated that people gain between two to seven pounds during winter. It may not be a concern for you if you gain just a pound or two over winter; however if you calculate your weight gain over many winter seasons, then you will have accumulated quite a few pounds! There are several factors responsible for the winter weight gain phenomenon, the most prominent being the weather conditions. The cold weather makes it difficult to indulge in outdoor activities such as walking, jogging or biking. Winter’s shorter days and longer nights stimulate feelings of loneliness, boredom, depression, fatigue and thus we often overeat to fill our emotional needs. This phenomenon is known as SAD, or S

Benefits of Asanas – a guide for the beginners Pranayama and the Asanas are two forms of Yoga. If you combine these two forms together, you can experience the most influential form of purification as well as self control of the human body and the mind as well. That is why, if you practice Asanas on the regular basis, it can help you get rid of the stress and tension of your life and your inner self will be calm. Are you a beginner in this field? Then, first of all you should know the benefits of Asanas and then you start doing them. To start with, the teacher will teach you the proper breathing techniques as well the proper body postures. With the help of proper breathing process, more oxygen can enter your body and thus your blood circulation will be improved. Moreover, by learning the correct breathing technique, you can utilize whole lungs while breathing, which people normally don’t use. In this way you can avoid a number of health risks as well. In fact, the capacity of the lungs enhances to a great exte

Six weeks to a bikini body EXERCISE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE TIME CONSUMING AND YAWN INDUCING, INSTEAD PICK ‘N’ MIX YOUR FAVOURITE MOVES FOR A FABULOUS BIKINI BOD We’ve all done it – started an exercise regime with good intentions then ditched the Lycra in favour of lie-ins and takeaways barely 24 hours later. It’s not that we’re lazy it’s just that we’ve got too much on, and, well, when push comes to shove, it’s the 90 minute session at the gym that gets the heave-ho. Which is where this workout steps in. Made up of short sharp bursts of cardio (the kind of exercise that makes you puff) and a few toning moves (the kind of exercises that tone your muscles) no matter how busy you are, you can fit in a few minutes a day, which means you’ll see big results within weeks. YOUR GOAL You need to do at least 90 minutes of cardio a week as well as 20 minutes of toning exercises. But guess what? They’re broken down into 10 and two-minute sessions, so you can fit them in whenever you get a breather.

A lot of people are fond of Surya-Namaskar – what are the reasons? Do you really want to have the super fit as well as slim body? Don’t you want to go for the rash diets? Then, start doing the  Suryanamaskar . These days most of the people are doing these exercises because of its so many benefits.  It not only improves your posture or makes your body muscles strong, but along with these this particular form of yoga helps you reduce the waistline of yours by shedding the extra fat. However, you should keep in mind that you have to practice this exercise in the proper way. First of all you have to know the definition of  Surya Namaskar . It is the combination of the 12 fixed recurring postures which you have to perform repetitively at an easy speed and this in turn provide you with a sense of positive energy, almost instantly. But if you have any health problem, such as, any heart disease or slip-disk or arthritis, you should consult your need doctor first and if he or she allows you, then you can start it on the regular basis. In

SIX WEEKS TO A BIKINI BODY WANT TO DROP A DRESS SIZE BEFORE YOUR SUMMER HOLIDAY? TRY THIS HEALTHY EATING PLAN AND IN SIX WEEKS YOU COULD BE LOOKING MORE FEARNE COTTON THAN FERN BRITTON ON THE BEACH There’s no need to starve yourself if you’ve got six weeks before hitting the beach. After all, crazy crash diets will you drained, grumpy and reaching for a Dunkin’ Donut. Instead try the Fabulous Diet . It takes just six weeks to lose a stone. But if you’re not sure whether online dieting is for you just take a look at our one-week preview meal plan below. Completely tailored around you and your favourite foods, Fabulousdiets combines all of the information to create your very own individual plan. Plus we use your local supermarket and even write out your shopping list so you don’t have to! And if all of that wasn’t enough we have 24/7 expert help, advice and support to ensure you reach your target weight in record times. DAY ONE   BREAKFAST Boiled egg on toast with yoghurt &

Are you practicing yoga – learn the right diets for you Yoga is a wonderful and natural means of losing your excess weight as well as getting a healthier body. People have been practicing yoga from ancient times and still now it is equally popular among the people. However, you must remember one thing that when you are into Yoga, you have to eat the right kind of diets which are called the Yogic diets. According to these diets, the foods can be classified into three types; one is Rajasic; second is Satvic, and third is Tamasic. The Rajasic Yogic diets are the foods that will make you more energetic. From time to time, these foods contain high amount of fat. That is why they may cause restiveness as well as weight gain if you consume this food in large quantity. The foods of this type are pungent foods, such as, curry, onions, meat, and garlic along with beverages, like, coffee plus teas. If you consume these foods in medium amount, they will help you in fulfilling your purpose. However, if you are practicing yoga seri

South Beach Diet South Beach Diet is one of the most popular diet in the weight loss diet plans. Initial two weeks are crucial and dieters must strictly avoid intake of vegetables and food. This diet plan works in phases and mainly the carbohydrate intake is restricted. South beach diet helps you conquer over the cravings. The South Beach Diet is not low-carb diet. People who have used this diet plan successfully, lost about 8 pounds, which is a good result in this time frame. But dieters need to be very careful after such fast weight loss. Low glycemic index vegetables are allowed once the first stage is over. These types of foods along with eggs, cheese, nuts, and salads can also be eaten, in a controlled quantity. For first two weeks, dieter will have to eliminate fruit, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar, alcohol, and baked goods from diet , but these restrictions are slowly removed and these food item are brought in the diet's food after the first stage is finish

Body Slim Downs As you may have noticed I haven’t updated in awhile. Why? You guessed it! I have not been able to go the gym hardly at all in the past month. It’s been frustrating, and I have not liked the fact that I have not reached my personal “after” goal yet. For several weeks my daughter was going through the whole attachment phase, wanting only mommy and daddy and crying when someone would even glance her way. Crazy! So, that was the primary reason I had to stop using my sitter at the gym. For awhile I was able to go at nights when her dad came home from work but he has been traveling a lot lately which eliminated that option for the most part. I do admit I could have been a bit more diligent about working out at home during this time but it, too has been challenging. Although I am not at my personal best as far as how my body looks, I am perhaps for the first time in my life truly learning to be appreciative of my situation for what it is and all that I learned because o

How can you explain the importance of Ashtanga Yoga in life Have you heard about the Ashtanga Yoga? No! Then, just stay tuned to this article as it is going to enlighten you with the importance of this in your life. This term has been derived from Sanskrit and the meaning of it is “eight limbs”. It implies the eight limbs of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. There was an ancient text named the Yoga Korunta, where this particular has been taken from. There are six separate series of this Ashtanga Yoga with the help of which a student can make a progress at his or her individual speed. This type of Yoga needs Vinyasa flow practice on the regular basis, by the means of Uddiyana Bandha, Ujjayi breathing, Drishti and Mula Bandha. These particular yoga forms help realign the spine along with flushing out all the chemical substances from your body. Moreover, this helps make the human body strong, flexible and full of energy. Above all, the Ashtanga Yoga can make the nervous system strong as well. You can get rid of the stiff muscle

Low Carb Diet Carbohydrates are known as the fuel of the body. Sugar and Starch are the two forms in which carbs are categorized. The function of carbs is to generate heat in the body. But carbs lack other nutritents that are required for our body. When food intake is in excess, with the lack of physical activity, the result is obesity or excess fat due to slow metabolism rate. Carb foods: grains, edible roots, sugar, jaggery. Thus rate of metabolism of a fat person is not that proper to burn all the carbs. The rate of metabolism is less in an obese and thus the carbs are not burnt and get accumulated as fat. The low-carb diet helps the rate of metabolism go higher and thus resulting into weight loss. Carbohydrates increase insulin content and other hormones that regulate enzymes, that leads to storage of fat. As the name suggests, it consists of very low carb intake daily as low as 20 gms per day. Thus taking less carbs daily, in other words you starve yourself and fat get

Pyramiding Muscle Building Workout Program One of the more advanced techniques that you can be using for building muscle is pyramiding. With pyramiding, you’re going to be working across a variety of rep ranges thus deriving superior benefits compared to a plan where you just work at a constant rep range the whole way through. With pyramiding you’re going to be both building strength and size at the same time as you’ll be lifting a heavier weight throughout the lower rep range and then lightening it slightly and producing a high rate of muscle hypertrophy during the higher rep ranges. While you won’t want to follow a pyramiding scheme for months at a time as it is quite stressful on the body, adding it once in a while to shake things up and further your progress is a great way to break a training plateau and ensure that you keep seeing continual results. Below you’ll find a workout program that utilizes the pyramiding training scheme.  You’ll be working out three days per week, hitting each muscle in ev

How to Find the Best Yoga Instructor – follow these steps Are you willing to start practicing yoga? Yes! Then, first of all you have to find out the best yoga instructor because or she is the person, who can teach you the correct posture of all the Asanas. Yoga is not about doing Asanas, it is not about doing these maintaining correct postures and the most important is to learn the correct breathing techniques. Without an instructor you will not be able to know the appropriate process of breathing that you have to maintain while performing Asanas. But how will you know who is the best yoga instructor and who is not? There are a few particular steps that you have to follow for this. To start with, you should check if the instructor as the proper certificate or not. A certificate is only given when they have completed the appropriate training session. In fact, you are the best person, who can differentiate between the good and the bad instructor. In addition to this, you have to look for some other criteria as well. A goo

Healthy Food preparation T he different ways in which foods are prepared lays the foundation of many diets. The raw food diet which proposes the consumption of foods that are not cooked for various reasons comes to mind. Cooking is the assembling of ingredients in a pot under the effect of heat to make a dish fit for consumption.Cooking has numerous effects on food which are said to affect general health including weight gain. Cooking is said to reduce the nutrients in food while destroying various necessary enzymes. The effect of heat on food depends on temperature, length of cooking and technique. Temperatures between 7°C to 50°C is said to boost bacterial activity. This temperature range will increase the amount of bacteria both good and bad to the body. However we should acknowledge that the main attribute of cooking is to help kill any bacteria and virus that may be dangerous to the body. Some foods that are occasionally consumed raw provide numerous nutrients, chemicals and enzymes

The Paleo Diet: Pros and Cons Paleo diet is the abbreviated form of Paleolithic diet, which is one of the modern diet regimens, made popular during the last few decades. The Paleo diet is also known as the caveman diet and the hunter gatherer diet. These terms refer to the nutritional plan that this diet is based on, which takes after the ancient wild plants and animals diet that Stone Age humans consumed during the Paleolithic period. The said era was the one that ended thousands of years ago as agriculture developed, reducing the need to hunt for food before eating. This diet primarily consists of fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and roots. While it excludes legumes, grains, refined sugar, salt, dairy products and processed oils. While this diet has been here since quite some time, there is still a debate about its health benefits among nutritionists and health experts. However, there is also no dearth of people who are all for it. The following section discusses the good and the not-so

Rate of Weight Reduction Dieters, obese must know the time period of losing some pounds. Many diet plans tell you very fast weight loss, whilch is unhealthy and the lost weight goes up again after dieter starts eating a little. The rate of weight reduction thus is important to maintain weight to a desired for long term. The ups and downs in weight is also not healthy. Using some diet pills  in addition to a particular diet plan helps for first few days, in which, body fluids are drained that shows a weight loss. This is really dangerous. The very important thing is we must burn the calories that we consume. The extra fat is the result of unburnt calories, mostly carbohydrates, which are not burnt away get transfered to fats. It is really difficult to provide with exact rate of weight reduction. The weight loss and keeping the weight to a desired goal is the life time necessity. So, losing weight in a short span will not help. See our diet plan for information about daily diet and som

Your Six Pack Abs Workout If you’re someone who’s on a mission to get six pack abs, there’s no question you’re going to want to get your hands on a good workout that will stimulate not only the primary abdominal muscles, but the muscles surrounding them as well so you can get a toned and lean midsection. Far too many people spend countless hours on crunches and other exercises each day but fail to ever see results come about because of them. Instead, you need to learn the secret tricks that you must do with your workouts if you hope to garner success. What are these secret tricks? They can be summed up in three words: instability, increased range of motion, and added resistance. You want instability to be in the picture because when you perform the exercise while you’re unstable, every single muscle fiber deep within the core will be contracting at a rapid rate, thus taking your workout intensity up a notch. Having an increased range of motion is going to be beneficial since this wil

What is the role of yoga in controlling your mind? People have been practicing yoga from decades. There are a number of benefits of performing yoga on the regular basis. It not only helps you in getting physical strength as well as energy, but it helps the people in having a positive mind as well. If you have not started practicing the yoga until now, then you can start today and feel experience the benefits of yoga in controlling your mind. In the recent times, people’s lives have become extremely complex and the work pressure is so immense that people remain stressed all the times. Don’t you want to free from this stress? Yoga is the best means of making the people tension free. In addition to this, your body as well as your mind will be relaxed by performing yoga on the regular basis. Do you want to increase your concentration power? Do you want to get rid of the negative energy of yours and instead feel yourself with the positive energy? Just don’t worry! Yoga is the one and only solution of all these problems

7 Day Diet and 3 Day Diet 7 day diet is another famous diet of the fad diets. Though succesful results are seen in few cases, the lost weight may get back soon. Too rapid weight loss is dangerous. So be careful when going for such fast weight loss diet plans . It's a very low calorie diet that results in fast water and lean muscle loss. How the 7 day diet works? Dieters are given strict instructions of the diet plan Monday: All fruits except bananas Tuesday: Eat all types of green leafy vegetables, season vegetables with soya sauce Wednesday: Eat all fruits and vegetables except bananas Thursday: Dieter can have some 2-3 bananas and some milk Friday: Eat four servings of beef, chicken, or fish (3 ounces per serving) and fresh vegetables. Saturday:Eat 4 servings of beef steaks (3 ounces each) and/or fresh vegetables Sunday: Eat 4 servings of beef steaks with some fresh vegetables. Rate of weight loss is too fast and the lost weight can get back at the same rate. 7 day die

Why You Should Perform Asanas seriously on the regular basis? Why You Should Perform Asanas seriously on the regular basis? Are you willing to lose your weight as well as look good? Then, why don’t you start doing Asanas on the regular basis. The holistic effect of these yoga exercises not only has a good effect on your body, but on your mind as well. It will help you in making more positive in your mind. On the whole, you will be healthier, vibrant and focused in all the works that you do. In a nutshell, anyone, who performs Asanas every day, is physically as well as mentally more fit in comparison to the others. These special forms of yoga are extremely helpful for the full anatomy of the human body. Though there are a number of yoga postures, which are meant for building your muscle, but the Asanas are useful for normalizing the functions of the whole organism. The benefit of yoga exercises is that they can control the spontaneous procedures of respiration along with helping in the circulation of blood, metabolism, dige

Female Fat Loss Meal Plan If you’ve just set the goal to get lean and melt body fat, you must get your diet in order. Diet will account for up to 80% of the success you see with fat loss, and as many females know, it’s also one of the most difficult things to focus on. You experience food cravings at a certain time each month and without a doubt have certain ‘attachments’ to some of your favorite foods.   Best of all, it will produce fast yet safe rates of weight loss that will get you feeling comfortable in your body. Monday Breakfast 6 egg whitesSalsa 1 tbsp olive oil 1 banana 1 slice of whole grain bread Mid-Morning ½ cup Greek Yogurt1 cup blueberries 2 tbsp flaxseeds Lunch 3 oz chicken breast1 small whole wheat tortilla Sliced veggies 1 tbsp olive oil salad dressing 1 orange Mid-Afternoon 1 scoop whey protein powder1 apple 10 almonds Dinner 6 oz lean steak5 spears asparagus 1 small sweet potato 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice Before Bed ½