Last year before the commencement of winter, Susan weighed 120 pounds. When Susan weighed herself again at the start of the spring season, she weighed 127 pounds. She had gained seven pounds during the winter season. Winter weight gain is a familiar problem faced by most of us. It is estimated that people gain between two to seven pounds during winter. It may not be a concern for you if you gain just a pound or two over winter; however if you calculate your weight gain over many winter seasons, then you will have accumulated quite a few pounds!

There are several factors responsible for the winter weight gain phenomenon, the most prominent being the weather conditions. The cold weather makes it difficult to indulge in outdoor activities such as walking, jogging or biking. Winter’s shorter days and longer nights stimulate feelings of loneliness, boredom, depression, fatigue and thus we often overeat to fill our emotional needs. This phenomenon is known as SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Psychologists have documented these symptoms as arising during the shift to those pesky winter days. The trouble is figuring out how to master these feelings of discontent and laziness associated with this problem that most of us face. Finally, the winter season is also associated with holiday parties, where you have easy access to high calorie foods and calorie dense alcoholic beverages.

All the factors mentioned highlight the fact that during winter time we are taking part in too little physical activity while eating too much food, as a result our body is taking in more calories than we can burn. We are all aware that weight gain occurs when the body takes in more calories than it uses for energy. So it is no wonder that you can easily gain weight during the winter months!

If every year you put on extra weight during the winter seasons, try breaking that trend this year and chalk out a strategy to come out of the winter hibernation in perfect shape. So how do you prevent winter weight gain?

You need to start on a diet plan that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meats; these foods are high in nutrition value and also keep you fulfilled for a long time. Researchers say that craving for sweets and starches increases during winter; as such you need to avoid succumbing to urges of overfeeding yourself with chocolate, ice cream, cookies, and chips–these foods are not nutritious and do not satisfy your hunger over a long period of time. Instead of eating high calories, you should prepare soups and stews, since they will fill you up and keep you warm during the cold winter months.

During the winter months you often hear people complain, “It’s too cold to step out of the house and exercise!” Do not make winter the reason for not exercising; if you cannot continue with your regular workouts, there are other ways to keep yourself active. If you cannot go jogging or walking outside, then do so inside; buy a treadmill or join a gym so that you can continue exercising during the winter season. Moreover, look for opportunities to keep yourself active during the winter months—it is easy to get lazy and hibernate during the winter months. Exercising in the winter, not only keeps you fit but it also elevates your mood, energy and enthusiasm which is especially important during the depressing winter season. Plus, if you recall, exercising helps increase your metabolism. So when you’re not exercising, you’ll be burning a few more calories than usual, giving yourself better odds at beating winter weight gain!

Winter has many festivities such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Super Bowl parties. Although you may not be able to avoid parties during the festive season, you should give some thoughts to your eating behavior during these tempting times. Before going to a party, eat some fruits, vegetables, protein and fiber so that you are not starving and can control your hunger pangs. At the party, if it is difficult to completely abstain from high calorie delicacies, then eat small portions of them but fill the rest of your plate with healthy low calorie foods. Move around and socialize with others at the party; it lessens chances of overeating and your attention is also shifted from those tempting foods. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, they are often high in calories—instead drink diet soft drinks or water. You may want to try drinking some carbonated water with lemon—this beverage will give you a feel of a drink and it also helps in diluting calories.

We all know that weight gain is associated with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, cancer, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol levels. As such if you continue to gain weight every winter, you will be jeopardizing your health. So, do not let winters spoil your health; instead ensure that you come out of winter healthy and fit.

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