Fíona loses weight for her wedding!


For many women their wedding day is the best day of their lives. Naturally they hope everything will be perfect from the flower arrangements to the food but perhaps most importantly they want to look and feel exquisite.

Fíona’s big day is in July and she decided just 6 months ago that if she was going to fit into the wedding dress of her dreams she would need to lose some pounds.

Another motivating factor to lose weight was the excess baby weight she carried.

“I went shopping for wedding dresses. Once I ordered my dress, it felt like the right time to lose weight. I also had just stopped breastfeeding so was able to follow a calorie controlled diet. There were a few indicators that it was the right time to start shaping up for my wedding.”

In a few short months Fíona has achieved a 3 stone 11 lbs loss and lost a startling 6 inches from her tummy, not only that but she has managed to reduce her BMI from an obese 31 to a very healthy one of 24!

“I am extremely confident that I will maintain my loss and continue shaping up. There is no way I will stop exercising or eating well, it makes me feel great!”

But she is not content yet. “I intend to lose a further few pounds while toning up the wobbly bits”

The only worry she has now about her upcoming wedding is that the dress will be too big!

As a new mother it was important that she followed a plan that was flexible and easy enough to fit in with her hectic schedule.

“I follow the Totals plan. I like the flexibility as a busy working mum and enjoy being able to make sensible and nutritious food choices on the go without being tied to meal plans and recipes.”

Although her diet was nutritionally adequate Fíona’s weakness lay in her lack of portion control and tendency to indulge in calorie laden take aways.

“I only really learned the importance of portion size when I started weighing food to find the Total values. Now I have cut out take aways which had become a staple. I still eat out but I choose the healthier menu choices”

“I enjoy my nutritional information for each day. It gives me great satisfaction to hit my targets for fibre, carbohydrates, protein, sugar and salt.”

Fíona has also managed to banish her cola addiction which has no doubt made an immense difference to her calorie intake.

“I cut out fizzy drinks, as I had developed an unhealthy taste for them while pregnant. Instead of reaching for the bottle of coke I drink lots of water. It definitely was instrumental in kick starting my weight loss. Now I drink 3 litres per day, any less than this and I feel thirsty.”

In addition to enjoying the plan, she found the encouragement she received from the support groups invaluable.

Her family and friends were also willing Fíona to succeed in her weight loss attempt.

“They are all thrilled for me and have cheered me on every step of the way. It is a great feeling when I jump on scales on my weigh in day, and then I excitedly share the weigh in result with all my co-workers and my partner.”

Another really important aspect of Fíona’s success is the regular exercise she gets.

“It played a vital role in my weight loss. I made sure to do something every day. The activities I carry out include walking (with baby Ailbhe), aerobics, using dancing DVDs, Pilates, swimming and regular gym sessions.”

The benefits of her exercise routine are endless! “Exercise gives me added energy, I fall asleep quicker at night and it distracts me from thinking about the next meal.”

“Now I feel happy and relaxed. I am confident that I have set a good example for my daughter and know that she is getting the best possible start in life with a healthy, energetic mum who is well capable of keeping up with her.”

There is no doubting her determination to maintain her new healthy eating habits.

“I am extremely confident that I will maintain my loss and continue shaping up. There is no way I will stop exercising or eating well, it makes me feel great!”

Fíona will be every inch the blushing bride and for all the right reasons!

The post Fíona loses weight for her wedding! appeared first on Weightlossr.com.

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