A lot of people are fond of Surya-Namaskar – what are the reasons?


Do you really want to have the super fit as well as slim body? Don’t you want to go for the rash diets? Then, start doing the Suryanamaskar. These days most of the people are doing these exercises because of its so many benefits.  It not only improves your posture or makes your body muscles strong, but along with these this particular form of yoga helps you reduce the waistline of yours by shedding the extra fat. However, you should keep in mind that you have to practice this exercise in the proper way. First of all you have to know the definition of Surya Namaskar. It is the combination of the 12 fixed recurring postures which you have to perform repetitively at an easy speed and this in turn provide you with a sense of positive energy, almost instantly.

But if you have any health problem, such as, any heart disease or slip-disk or arthritis, you should consult your need doctor first and if he or she allows you, then you can start it on the regular basis. In spite of the fact that Suryanamaskar is gaining quite a huge popularity, you should not start practicing this instantly. You have to give it sometime. If you are not used to any kind of exercise or if you haven’t done any kind of muscle exercises in ages, then you need some time to open your arms so that they can get back the flexibility and the energy to do all the exercises. Once you are back in your form, you can start doing all the strenuous exercises on the daily basis. And when your body has got the appropriate level of fitness, you can start doing a set of three of this particular exercise and then gradually increase it to five and ten according to your energy.

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