What foods adjust blood sugar?


What foods adjust blood sugar?

1- Olive oil:

In addition to the benefits of health and aesthetic beauty, many research has proved that it contains fatty acids monounsaturated, active from the work of insulin and thus reduce the proportion of sugar in the blood.

2- Vegetables with green leaves:

Vegetables with dark green leaves, especially cabbage, reduce blood sugar, because it contains the magnesium component as well as vitamin K.

3- Cinnamon:

Cinnamon contains some substances that stimulate the hormone insulin, which increases the ability of the body to absorb sugar from the blood, and researchers found that eating a tablespoon of cinnamon daily, either in the form of a drink or add food reduces the sugar in the blood by 10% .

4- Fish:

Fish contain omega-3, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, helps reduce blood sugar levels and normal weight loss.

5- Oatmeal:

Oats contain many nutrients needed by the body without increasing blood sugar, because it contains a high proportion of fiber.

6- Apple:

Contains slow sugar decomposition, does not require the body to high amounts of insulin for analysis, acts as a catalyst to reduce blood sugar naturally.

7- Celery:

Celery helps control blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, and neutralize excess acids that are produced in the body as a result of diabetes.

The post What foods adjust blood sugar? appeared first on Weightlossr.com.

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